Sunday, February 8, 2015

New Word = Corporatocracy

Corporatocracy = Corporate + Democracy
The government and economy is influenced by large companies such as Big Pharma/Big Oil. 
Why is solar and other renewable energy not a priority...Oil companies and refineries lobby for pro-oil policies.
Why is the ineffective flu vaccine purchased by the government and push upon the citizens?

Saturday, January 24, 2015


"All coins have three sides"

Robert Kiyosaki

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Best Practices: Gamifying your Life

People on their death bed often say that they regret spending so much time working and did not have enough fun.  I propose to gamify your life by counting the number of enjoyable/pleasurable/fun/memorable things that you do each day.  This idea is supported by the idea that "If you can't measure/track it you can't improve it".  This also requires to both reflect and have appreciation which are two things that is commonly referred to as important.  I don't know what the secret to happiness is but this sure does seem like a start.  

Here is an example:
+1 Tried new coffee and it was really good
+1 no work emails until 10am
+1 school was off today therefore there was minimal traffic
+1 free lunch at work since there was a meeting
+1 it was sunny
+1 made it to the gym
+1 watched a good movie
+1 got to sleep on time
+1 got a non-work project done
= daily score 9

*Statistical analysis and graphs to follow

Best Practices: Mobile Check Depositing

All the wonders of apps on your cell phone and how wonderful it is to save yourself the trip to the ATM to deposit that archaic check.  Sounds good until that check does not go through for some reason and there is no paper trail. 

Time it takes to run down to the ATM to deposit the check < Mental currency wondering if the check deposit or will be taken out in the next 90-180 days plus the task of verifying that the funds were deposited 90 days later.

Just something to think about.

2015 the Beginning of Best Practices

I don't know who said it but "Learn in your 20′s, earn in your 30′s" is a true statement to explain how your are someone's bitch in the workplace post college/entering the workforce and how you should tear shit up in your 30s.  However you apply this quote as I near the the end of the 20's and enter the 30's I realize that I have learned a few cool things.  I also realize that I will not be on this earth forever and I would like to capture these experiences and achieve Maslow's highest level of need which is to leave a lasting impression on the world you leave behind.  Thus starting in 2015 I will begin a new category called "Best Practices" not so people can use my tips but build upon them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Do You Reddit? Well Sorry

Sometimes I measure my growth in not new habits I take on but the bad ones I stop.  One of these is using Reddit.  A very popular site that aggregates news and allows for commenting.  Here is a good example below which showcases a conversation about a potential theory about the NFL canceling Freaknight so it would be ready for the Seahawks game the next day.  Really... I just wanted to know when I would be getting a refund but there went 10-20 minutes of productivity to meaningless reading.  Thats why I am going to stop reading this stuff on Reddit.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Good Idea: Quotes with Friends Boardgame

Link up quotes in "Words with Friends" or "Scrabble" fashion. 

For example Einstines quote "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler"

Can be linked on to...

 “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
Steve Jobs

 Can be linked on to...

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." - Thomas A. Edison